Steps and Tips About Traveling

In this day and age, many people are looking for adventure in their lives.
Often times this means they want to explore the world.
Many people explore the world by traveling to a different country or visiting an exotic location that they would never have had a chance of visiting before.
Step One
The first step is to look at what kind of area you want to visit and make a list of all the popular areas in that region or country.
For example, if you wanted to travel somewhere in Europe, then Spain, Portugal, France, Greece, Italy, etc would be on your list. If you wanted to travel somewhere in Central America, then Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador would be on your list.
Once you have a list of all the popular places that you want to visit or explore, research them each individually and make notes on what they are known for.
For example, is Portugal more well-known for its scenic fishing villages? Is Italy more known for shopping? Apply this information to each place you want to go if possible.
If any place has something else it is more well-known for (for example; Paris is world-renowned as the most romantic city), write that down as well.
Step Two
Next, try to find out whether there are any festivals occurring during the time period that you would like to go.
For example, if you wanted to travel to Portugal and Italy, then the Algarve International Jazz Festival in Portugal and The Venice Carnival in February would be great options for festivals happening during your desired time period.
Other countries might have a “Festa”, which is like a festival-type celebration that happens once or twice a year on different dates (like Ireland’s St. Patrick’s Day).
Step Three
Once you do all of this research on areas and find out about their festivals, try to find out what kind of weather they typically get during the months of your visit.
For example: During the month of February, it will most likely be cold and rainy in Italy while it will be sunny in Portugal.
Step Four
Now that you have done all this research, take the information you have collected and make an itinerary for yourself.
Write down your top 3 areas to visit, what festivals are taking place during the time period of your trip, the weather they typically get during those months, how much it will cost to travel there, and if any major international events or holidays will interfere with your plans (like “Carnaval” in Rio de Janeiro).
Another Option: China is a great example of a country where travelers can experience some history and nature as well as modern life.
Because of this, it’s also possible to break up a trip between different places so you can see more than one popular location.
One month in Beijing and the other 3 weeks traveling through Yunnan to see different terrains, cultures, and experiences.
Step Five
Once you have made an itinerary for yourself, book the trip.
Step Six
If you cannot afford to go on a big trip like this, then look at your list of places and try to visit one location during the year that means the most to you until you can save enough to travel to all of them.
Try traveling somewhere new every few months if possible! It’s important not to put off adventure because who knows? You might die tomorrow or next week or next year.
The point is that life is short and it should be lived.
Step Seven
When you return from your trip, try to document it somehow.
See if you can publish the photos or writing that you take while traveling.
If not, then share your experiences with friends and family when you get home!
They will love to hear about how much fun you had.
Other Tips:
1. Try to make sure your trip isn’t longer than half of the year (6 months). Anything more than this and it will be hard to re-adjust to your home country after you return.
2. Save up as much money as possible before going on your trip. This makes it easier financially for yourself while traveling since things like hostels cost less when you’re not paying for flights or transportation on top of that price.
3. Research visa application processes if you are planning on staying somewhere longer than 90 days. Keep in mind some countries have rules about how long you can stay there without a visa.
4. Try to learn some basic phrases in the language of the country you are visiting, even if it is just for 1 month! You’d be surprised at how many looks you get when you make an effort to communicate in their language.
5. If any friends or family are planning on traveling during your desired time period, keep them in mind when planning your itinerary! It’s always nice to meet up with people who are also exploring new places and cultures.
6. Make sure to make time for relaxation and rest while traveling. It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of new places but remember that you need to take care of yourself and your body.
7. Make sure not to pack too much into each day and try to avoid drinking too much at night (if possible). If you don’t then it might be difficult to sleep in a strange new place or hold onto jet lag, especially if your itinerary was jam-packed with things that were exciting and different than what you’re used to at home.
8. Try to keep an open mind. This is especially true if you are traveling somewhere drastically different than your own country. While you may have certain expectations before arriving at your destination, be sure to appreciate the differences and uniqueness of each culture or place you visit.
9. If possible, try not to go alone! Traveling with friends or family always makes things easier (especially when it comes to meeting new people) and helps other tourists recognize that other people are interested in them as well!
10. Try to take photos of yourself “in action” rather than just standing around looking like a tourist with a camera hanging around their neck all day long. This means getting involved in whatever activities might be taking place nearby instead of watching from far away.
11. Allow yourself to get lost and not know where you’re going at least once during your trip. This can be scary sometimes but it gives you a good opportunity to ask for help from locals or find out new information about the place if they see that you are attempting to make an effort and communicate in their language (even if it is broken).
12. One of the best ways to meet people while traveling is by staying with locals or other tourists who offer you a place to stay through websites like or These two websites have made it very easy for people interested in this kind of experience to connect with others all around the world!
13. Make sure that if something happens, whether it is theft or illness, that you have a good insurance package in place to run to if necessary. Some packages even cover you when traveling by plane so if anything goes wrong they will put you on the next flight back home and refund your ticket cost!
14. Try not to stay in one place too long after visiting all of the main sites because locals might get annoyed with tourists who never leave their hotel rooms or hostel. Mix up your itinerary with places to eat and explore new parts of town for different experiences.
15. Make sure to have an open mind about food! Sometimes you can find delicious dishes with different spices and flavors than what you are used to. Try the local cuisine at the very least or even just a simple fruit or pastry if necessary.
16. Most importantly, be safe! Make sure not to put yourself in any dangerous situations, don’t accept rides from strangers no matter how much they insist that they’re “just trying to help!” Always think twice before getting into a taxi with someone who is not part of your group or company, and try to trust your instincts when it comes down to making decisions with other people that you do not know well. If something feels wrong, then go with your gut feeling because most likely it is right. Do whatever you think is best to stay safe while traveling and if it doesn’t feel quite right then you can always choose not to do it.
17. Remember that you are there to experience the place, not just get wasted all of the time! While having fun is important, make sure you keep in mind the reasons why you wanted to go on this trip in the first place (to see new things or meet new people) instead of wanting to only relax and get drunk every night before bed.
18. Keep up with your daily routines as much as possible which includes taking a couple of minutes for yourself each day even if it’s simply something as simple as meditating or writing down how you’re feeling about everything that has happened so far during your travels.
19. Just remember that you can always go home if you feel like it’s not for you, but most likely it will be the best experience of your life! But in the meantime try to make a lot of new friends and meet different types of people from all over the world. Don’t push yourself too much or worry about what might or might not happen in terms of having a certain “type” of experience when traveling. Sometimes you don’t have any control over things that may come up during your travels, but just try to take everything one day at a time knowing that there are plenty more days ahead to look forward to.
20. Travel wherever you want to go! Try not to let anybody stop you from doing what it is that you truly want to do while traveling. You are allowed to have the kinds of experiences that interest you instead of taking on somebody else’s idea about how your trip should be so just explore whatever interests you most and know that there are many types of people who would love to help you get started or even show you around their place! A lot of people also enjoy volunteering while traveling, which ends up being an amazing experience in itself. Just try things out for yourself and if they’re not working then move on to something else.
21. Finally, make sure not to talk too much (or at all) about politics because most likely people will get really offended and it could ruin the whole experience for everyone involved.
Wrapping Up
It can be overwhelming to plan a trip, but it’s so worth the effort. The suggestions provided in this article should help you get started exploring.
Whether you want to explore new places or meet different types of people from all over the world, these tips will make your travel experience even more spectacular.
The more you research and plan, the greater your chances of having a positive experience. Enjoy yourself and always learn from your experiences!